Show Me Folk

We were sad to hear the news that Fr. Moses Berry of Ash Grove, Mo. died on January 12, 2024. Thanks to an introduction by independent scholar Jami Lewis of Mt. Vernon, we at Missouri…

Columbia, Mo., June 8, 2024—Missouri Folk Arts is thrilled to announce the seven teams participating in the 39th annual Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program (TAAP). They are engaged actively in a series of one-on-one lessons and…

End of Year Donations Welcomed by Missouri Folk Arts
Missouri Folk Arts is thankful to individual donors who have provided unrestricted gift funds that support opportunities for staff and traditional artists beyond those designated in grant-funded projects. Previous examples of expenditures include apprenticeship support;…

Saturday, September 2, we woke to the news on Facebook that our friend and colleague Beverly Strohmeyer had suffered and survived a major cardiac event. Over the next two weeks, we followed the stories of…

Missouri quilters reflect on sharing their craft on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. by Kirk Kramer for the News Leader, August 13, 2023
At the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, we enjoyed meeting Ozarks’ own son Kirk Kramer who resides now in Cottage City, Maryland (originally of Greenfield, Missouri and Miami, Oklahoma). Kirk let us know he wrote the following…

4 FAQs about the 2024 Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program Application Process
[Edited to add: The deadline for 2024 Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program applications ended on August 31, 2023.] Staff has fielded a few common questions. We want to share questions and answers below. Have questions you…

DEADLINE HAS PASSED FOR 2023 Missouri’s Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program, Deadline August 31, 2023
EDITED TO ADD: DEADLINE HAS PASSED FOR 2023 Missouri Folk Arts seeks promising teams of artists to submit applications for the 39th annual Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program before the August 31, 2023 deadline. Missouri hosts one…

A Tribute to Kim Lansford (1955-2023)
In the midst of the celebrations of the Ozarks at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in D.C., we learned the sad news that Ozark musician Kim Lansford had died on Sunday, July 2, 2023. In anticipation…

Aaron Holsapple of Jefferson City, Mo to Demonstrate at 2023 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Aaron Holsapple, White Oak Basketmaker Jefferson City, Missouri Forester Aaron Holsapple is known as “the tree guy,” fitting for his love of the “tree to basket” tradition. He credits three Missouri Ozark families for guiding…

David Scrivner of Springfield, Mo. to Perform at 2023 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
David Scrivner, Ozarks Old-time Musician Springfield, Missouri To get good at any tradition you have to be really committed to it. David Scrivner, 2021 Many thanks to Ozarks old-time musician Nathan Lee McAlister for…