A Tribute to John W. Glenn, 1926-2017
We are saddened to learn today that master blacksmith John W. Glenn of St. Joseph, Mo., died on Saturday, August 5, 2017. Mr. Glenn is one of the rarer master artists in the Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program–one who led several apprenticeships over the years (between 1996-2007).
Mr. Glenn learning blacksmithing from his father, then trained further as a teenager at St. Joe’s Benton High School Annex before serving as head blacksmith for the 714th Railway Battalion. Blacksmithing is a tradition that Mr. Glenn passed on to several apprentices in TAAP and beyond, including his brother, son, and grandson.
We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. RIP
You can find an obituary for John Glenn here: