End of Year Donations Welcomed by Missouri Folk Arts
Missouri Folk Arts is thankful to individual donors who have provided unrestricted gift funds that support opportunities for staff and traditional artists beyond those designated in grant-funded projects. Previous examples of expenditures include apprenticeship support; artistic fees; staff and artist travel; fees for service; and equipment upgrades.
Instructions for donors are included below:
Give to the Program Online
You may make a gift online to the Missouri Folk Arts Program through Giving to Mizzou. From Giving to Mizzou, look under Designations where you can click Explore University Funds and check Other. Then, click the Save Selection button. Under Enter a fund name or general designation for your gift, type “Missouri Folk Arts Program” in the box. Then, continue with your preferences and donor information.
Give to the Program via the College of Arts and Science
There are many different ways to contribute to the Missouri Folk Arts Program. Learn more about giving opportunities and which one is right for you.
For more information about giving, please visit the College of Arts and Science Advancement website.
To learn more about program needs, please contact us:
Missouri Folk Arts Program
520 South 9th Street, Room 1, Ellis Library
Columbia, MO 65211

Sombrero vueltiao, quilted pillow, and horseshoe heart rest on the caned seat of a chair