Missouri 2021 Presents: Legends, Lore, and Stories of the Show Me State
On March 2, 2021, Missouri Folk Arts director Lisa Higgins joined
Missouri 2021 Presents’ host Beth Pike on a panel to discuss the Wm. G. Pomeroy Foundation’s Legends & Lore Marker Grant Program.
From the State Historical Society of Missouri:
Missouri is rich in its history, folklore, and storytelling. The bicentennial year offers a range of opportunities to engage in our state’s history and culture through storytelling with performances, workshops, poetry, book talks, online resources, and more! In this presentation, hear how organizations around the state are preserving the stories of our past and engaging new audiences. We are joined by Lisa Higgins, Missouri Folk Arts director at the University of Missouri; Mark Livengood, Story Center director at Mid-Continent Public Library; GK Callahan, Community Arts & County Engagement Specialist with University of Missouri Extension; Carmaletta Williams, executive director of Black Archives of Mid-America and Brent Schondelmeyer, deputy director of Local Investment Commission (LINC) and trustee of the State Historical Society of Missouri, who are both involved with the Kansas City Black History Project. Plus, we have a special guest [Angela J. Williams] join us to share a story! To learn more about the Missouri 2021 Bicentennial, visit missouri2021.org This program was originally broadcast via Zoom Webinar in March 2021.